Monday, July 2, 2012

False Positive?

I can't even count the amount of pregnant tests I have taken over the last five years. Every time its the same as usual, not even a hint of pregnancy. Always negative. The reason why I have taken so many pregnancy tests is because my periods are irregulary.

 A few weeks ago I was shopping and saw some pregnancy test on clearance at Target. I thought to myself, ah... what the heck, why not? (Bad idea #1) I put them away in a drawer set aside just for home fertility tests, ovulation kits, and pregnancy tests. Everytime I put pregnancy tests in that drawer I go through a mental battle in my mind where I say, "now lisa, DONT TOUCH!"

Well a few days later, I had some light spotting and I thouht maybe.... this could be implantation bleeding?? So.... a day or so went by and I thought.... maybe I will take a pregnancy test (Bad Idea #2) So there I went, opened the package, read the directions ( not sure why I consistantly do that seeing I have read pregnancy test directions a HUNDRED times!) Well, as usual, I peed on that stick, put the purple cap back on and impatiently waited for the results..... and... well... after about 5 min... I was done. So I trashed it.

Later that day, around 12 midnight as I went to the restroom I peered into the trash to take a little gander at the pregnancy test, and...... A SMALL FAINT POSITIVE SIGN!!!!!! What?!? I freaked out! I grabbed Curtis and he had this dumbfounded look. I tried to explain that it could be true, but he being the stable one said, well, don't think too much about it, wait a few more weeks to find out. Well, its just that the directions on the test said it could take up to 10 min to get a result. I didn't wait 10 min. So ALLLLL night long I laid in bed thinking about the possibility that I might be pregnant.

Well, its been a week, two pregnancy tests later. Still Negative.

I really should go to the DR.

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