Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5 years of Marriage

I would be lying if I said that marriage was easy. I am ABSOLUTELY telling the truth when I say that marriage is so much fun!

I just celebrated my 5 year Anniversary over the weekend and it was one of the best weekends ever. No we didn't spend a ton of money, we just spent 100% of our time and attention together. We stayed at a nice hotel, ate Sushi, went shopping, cuddled, snuggled and everything in between. We put so much effort into each other, it made this last weekend feel like a second honeymoon. After it was over it felt like we stepped into chapter two of our marriage.

I feel the winds of change coming, not sure from which direction but its coming and it will be a nice breeze. My husband and I are trying to move our lives forward.... you know.... House... baby.... that kinda stuff. As I plan for the future I can't help but remember the past. The past 5 years have been a roller-coaster ride. But its time for this ride to come to a complete stop and jump on some other ride.